Spiritual Wellness

helps us find meaning in life events and define our individual purpose.

Weekly Bible studies as well as activities throughout the school year.

Volunteer-based non-denominational polytheistic organization providing the local Pagan community with opportunities to create closer bonds of perfect love and perfect trust, and understanding with one another through community service, publications, gatherings, and ritual celebrations.

A multigenerational Christian congregation adjacent to campus seeking to better serve the UCSC community.

English Conversation group, Friendship activities, tours, Bible studies, airport pickups, help with finding housing and other needs.

Weekly Bible studies on campus and a campus-wide meeting with teaching and worship.

Meets weekly for Life Groups, Bible studies, and Sunday Worship Service on the UCSC campus.

Bible studies, seminars, movies and retreats for learning experiences; also including music, prayer, worship, and Dinner Fellowships for spiritual expression, plus hikes, day trips, community service and environmental activism to expand our horizons.

Strive to embody the concepts of unity, strength, and activism and implement these in our daily lives.

SOMeCA stands for Student Organization Advising & Resources (SOAR), Student Media and Cultural Arts & Diversity, and we are dedicated to the success of UC Santa Cruz’s campus-wide student organizations and government.

The University Interfaith Council (UIC) is open to all religious groups to strengthen a rich spiritual life at UCSC and integrate spirituality with academic life.

Offers a quiet place to pursue spiritual well-being through prayer and meditation.

Last modified: Feb 13, 2025