Space for exploring the outdoors as a means of stress reduction.
Campus Advocacy Resources and Education (CARE)
CARE advocates provide nonjudgmental support and resources for survivors of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking, and their significant others.
CAPS Self Help Library
List of free resources on a variety of mental health topics.
Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS)
Provides counseling, psychiatric services, support groups, and wellness workshops.
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
Students in need can pick up free, fresh, organic produce, along with dry goods and some toiletry items.
Ethnic Resource Centers
Provide a gathering spaces as well as info on a variety of support and social groups.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Resources available to employees coping with issues such as alcohol or drug abuse, financial problems, emotional or behavioral disorders, family and marital discord, legal and other personal problems.
Office of Diversity , Equity & Inclusion (ODEI)
Links to various programs and resources aimed at supporting individuals who are experiencing harassment or discrimination.
Services for Transfer and Re-Entry Students (STARS)
Offers support services for transfer and re-entry students.
Slug Support Program
Preventative outreach, collaboration and care for students in distress.
Student Health Outreach & Promotion Program
Resources for students in recovery and student struggling with alcohol, drug, and tobacco use.
Let’s Talk
Service offering students free drop-in consultation with professional counselors.
The JED Foundation
Extensive list of resources for different disabilities and mental illnesses includinge eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, trauma, anxiety and depression.
7 Cups
Online 24/7 chat services with caring volunteer listeners.